ANNOUNCEMENT: Admin Currently On Sabbatical


As you may have noticed, I have not been posting much here lately.

Currently, I am on a sabbatical, serving as a Fulbright Scholar in Skopje, Macedonia, which does take significant time.

I haven't forgotten about; in fact, I'm thinking about ways I can improve the site, although such improvements must wait until I return home in July 2010.

Meanwhile, I'm maintaining two blogs: (my online journal)

and (my academic site for my students)

In the near future, with my University of Skopje chairperson, I will be working on an online journal for Macedonian Literature in English translation.

I'm also writing a novel, tentatively titled Corpus Delicious, which I'm posting online as a first draft.

This is an exciting time for me--I'm having a great time in the Balkans--but it also means that some projects must be placed on the back burner for now, and is one of them.

From time to time, I will post works here that catch my fancy, perhaps some stories by my Creative Writing students.

I have already read some pretty impressive work by them, even though English is their second language.

Until later!


  1. Hey There! You are missed!

    Maybe you remember when Janine Utell of Widener U. asked for a reviewer for a book called History Matters: A Survey of Contemporary Poetry?

    I volunteered and my article will be in the upcoming issue of The College English Association Journal. I'll post the link when I get it.

    Good luck!

    Diana Manister

  2. *


    That's great, Diana.

    I still have an active cyber life, so feel free to email me anytime. And check out Afrodita Nikolova's short story:

    The young writers here in Skopje, Macedonia, are quite fine.



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