As you may have noticed, I have not been posting much here lately.
Currently, I am on a sabbatical, serving as a Fulbright Scholar in Skopje, Macedonia, which does take significant time.
I haven't forgotten about Poets.net; in fact, I'm thinking about ways I can improve the site, although such improvements must wait until I return home in July 2010.
Meanwhile, I'm maintaining two blogs:
MsSiegel.com (my academic site for my students)
In the near future, with my University of Skopje chairperson, I will be working on an online journal for Macedonian Literature in English translation.
I'm also writing a novel, tentatively titled Corpus Delicious, which I'm posting online as a first draft.
This is an exciting time for me--I'm having a great time in the Balkans--but it also means that some projects must be placed on the back burner for now, and Poets.net is one of them.
From time to time, I will post works here that catch my fancy, perhaps some stories by my Creative Writing students.
I have already read some pretty impressive work by them, even though English is their second language.
Until later!