Showing posts with label Academic non-fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Academic non-fiction. Show all posts

Book Review Thread: Academic non-fiction (Literary Criticism, Literary Theory, Textbooks)

Have you recently read compelling or just plain silly academic non-fiction?

Here's the thread for you.

This thread is open to those of you who want to review academic non-fiction: literary criticism, literary theory, even textbooks.

The first signed (not anonymous) and quality review (negative or positive), will be elevated into this post.

Some Guidelines and Caveats:

  • No Self-Promotion. There is another thread for self-promoting your work. However, you may add an link to where one can buy and/or see more information about and other reviews of the book.

  • You may use this thread only; book reviews in other comment or incorrect genre threads will be moved or deleted.

  • By posting a negative or even neutral review, you do leave yourself open to attack by unhappy and angry authors about your review, and these comments will not be deleted.

  • Anyone may comment on your review, including reviewed authors. If you are an author, you are welcome to respond to the review, but you may not self-promote in this thread. Instead, go to the self-promotion thread. Self-promoting comments will be deleted from this thread.

Questions? Email me

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