Showing posts with label Poetry Critiques Guidelines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry Critiques Guidelines. Show all posts

Poetry Critique: Submit Your Poem-in-Progress

You may submit a poem-in-progress, any form or style, for critique by the community. Because of copyright issues, submit ONLY your own work. As the admin, I need to know your real identity, although (if you wish) I can post the poem anonymously.

Please limit the length to 40 lines maximum, and, if applicable, specify the form (sonnet, villanelle, sestina, pantoum, etc.).

Submit only in-progress poems. It does little good to submit a poem that you feel is ready for publication.

In your submission, it would be helpful if you wrote a short narrative regarding the kind of help you are seeking.

For example,

1. Are you seeking a line editing or an entire re-envisioning of the poem? Something in-between? Not sure?

2. What do you like best about your poem? The least?

3. Where are you having the most difficulty? For example, in the poem I posted on April 12 (not for critique, though; I'm not sure I'm going anywhere with this poem), I had difficulties with choosing the right word for how the mother "quiets" her child. I'm still not satisfied, so if I were to post this poem for critique, I would ask for help in this area.

4. What do you wish to leave alone? (Though it might be helpful to be open-minded here.)

Remember this about critiques: in the end, it's your work and your decision whether to accept or reject a critique.

Also, feel free to ask questions if you don't understand something about a critique.

Please note that the administrator of this forum will not be doing any poetry critiques; this is strictly a community service space.

There is no guarantee that your poem will receive any critique, and, of course, cannot verify the validity of individual critiques. Also keep in mind that critics may have differing styles: tone, thoroughness, critical experience.

It will be up to the poet to decide what to take (if anything) from a critique.

Post any questions here, but do not submit your poem on this thread here.

Send your poem here.

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